Fearless Narratives

For A Changing World

Are You Here To Live Out Loud?

“If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud.: – Emile Zola It’s hard to imagine now, but for too many years I was afraid to live out loud. I played small, compromised myself by allowing others to make the decisions, and […]

We Each Have Two Lives – the one we live, and the one we desire to live

Then all that is needed is a little daring…then two lives become one. – Paul Coelho. We each have two lives – the one we are living – and the one we dream we are capable of living. Which life we choose is determined by our ability to get comfortable being uncomfortable to embrace the […]

It’s The Stories We Tell Ourselves

Being fearless is not the absence of fear, but the courage to take the next step.- Jacqueline Wales Ten years ago, I wrote and published The Fearless Factor, a deeply personal story that spoke to the fears and uncertainties of my life, and the challenges faced in growing up to become more confident and capable of building […]

What Are Your Intentions for 2023?

Every year you make a promise to be a better you. This year, make a promise to just be you, honestly” – Jacqueline Wales You have just gone through a year where you promised yourself you would make some changes. Did your intentions manifest the way you wanted them to? Or did you miss the mark? If […]

The Power of Strategic Influence

“The first step to being self-reliant is to objectively identify and face your fears.” – Gary C. Laney Yesterday, I had the honor of joining my friend and colleague Gary C Laney on his virtual book tour for Strategic Influence: 10 Success Factors of Highly Influential Leaders with several outstanding entrepreneurs Marques Ogden, Kimberly Carney Steven Shallenberger, Gary Kennedy and Somdutta Singh In his book, […]

4 Ways To Listen Effectively: It Might Just Change Your Life

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place – George Bernard Shaw In our lives we’ve likely had many communication failures: mixed messages, unspoken needs or desires, inability to deal with confrontation, saying yes when we mean no. We talk over people, text on our phones while listening to others, interrupt mid-sentence, […]

Six Essential Elements of Success Part Three

“Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” – Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson The last two articles I’ve shared with you the Six Essential Elements of Success learned while earning my black belt in Shotokan karate. When you have a definite plan for Commitment, Focus, Discipline and […]

Do You Have Enough Self-Discipline To Succeed?

“We must all suffer one of two things:  the pain of discipline or the pain of regret and disappointment.” – Jim Rohn Last week I began a series of articles on the Six Elements that all successful people have. We started with Commitment and Focus. Today, we will look at Discipline and Follow-Through. Without it, […]

6 Essential Elements of Career Success Part One

“However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” – Stephen Hawking As a martial artist studying Shotokan karate for 12 years, I discovered that success in anything is dependent on these 6 Elements of Success. They will not only help you reach your goals to achieve the success levels you wish but […]


“People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going.” — Earl Nightingale 17 years ago, a coach asked me to write my life story. I’d already done one version of an earlier part of my life in my novel When The Crow Sings, but this would be different. It would be focused on fear. […]

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